Host static website on Heroku

Victor Bonnet
2 min readAug 15, 2022

This article describes how to host a static website on Heroku with custom domain name.

This can be interesting for small websites like portfolio or blogs.


  • A Heroku account
  • A website to deploy online, usually an index.html file and possibly some folders associated, JavaScript files, CSS files, images …
  • Git installed
  • The Heroku CLI installed

1. Preparation

  • In a terminal navigate to the root of the website, where the index.html file is
  • Create a file there: composer.json
    its content should be: {}
  • Create another file named: index.php
    its content should be: <?php include_once("home.html"); ?>
  • Rename index.htmlinto home.html
  • Initialize Git: execute
git init

2. Heroku

  • Login to Heroku
heroku login
  • Create an app with Heroku CLI
heroku apps:create my-app-name
  • Check the link is created between Git and Heroku
git remote -v

The command above should return something. If nothing is returned, link your Heroku app manually with Git:

heroku git:remote -a my-app-name

3. Push to Heroku

The last thing is to push the website to Heroku:

git add --all
git commit -m "any comment"
git push heroku master

Then the website can be accessed online at the address

4. Optional: Add custom domain

By default the address available for your app/static website will be like . You can associate a personal custom domain to it like however it will be charged approximatively 7$/month.

Here is the way to define a custom domain name in Heroku:

  • Update the Heroku CLI, to be sure the latest version is installed:
heroku update
  • The following commands should be executed:
heroku ps:resize web=hobby
heroku certs:auto:enable
heroku domains:add
  • Now it is necessary to add a CNAME entry in the domain registrar website, where the personal domain name was bought.
    To know the value for the CNAME, this is the command to execute in the terminal:
heroku domains

The DNS target, among other things, ending with will be displayed.

  • In the domain registrar for the custom domain, a CNAME entry with the following values should be added:

Host name: www
TTL: 3600
Data: the DNS target ending with previously retrieved

After a few minutes, the time for changes to be taken into account, the website will be reachable at the address of the custom domain



Victor Bonnet

Learning Data engineering, Cloud computing and data science after 10 years as structural engineer in aeronautics